
Showing posts with the label syntax

What happened to Copy Editors?

I came across a headline today on MSNBC/CNBC which read:  A second wave of Russians is fleeing Putin's regime. I would have thought that a Copy Editor might Suggest that: A second wave of Russians are fleeing Putin's regime.   or .... A second wave of Russians have begun  fleeing Putin's regime. Or if the confusion is over the wave or the Russians are the object, we can then make it extra tidy:  A second wave of Russians flees Putin's regime. Or old school: A second wave of Russians now  fleeing Putin's regime!  Besides, the word "Now" pops, and entices a sense of urgency.      I couldn't resist.  While I love all aspects of our Bastard language, including slang and dialect, I have to draw the line somewhere.  For me, written media, Ad Copy, and especially News Copy, should all reflect the most basic adherence to grammar.  Below, is a paste of the comment I made, via the contact portal at  Let's see if...